Saturday, June 16, 2007

three-legged races on the bowen lawn

1 comment:

  1. just to make you jealous of the expat lifestyle, this is the lowest of our three-tiered jungle garden lawn. it's the flattest of the three, making it the best for bocce or croquet if we had such things. we don't, so paige resurrects her camp counselor days.

    good running photo technique here, with david and mandela airborne and julius at the moment of greatest flexion. so nothing to complain about there. also paige is spaced just right between the pairs.

    it would be great if all that empty space on the left weren't there. or would it? i wonder if the image would be less interesting if paige were right in the middle and you could see both teams? if the team on the right were a few feet further back so there was fore/aft separation of the subjects as well as left to right, then i think for sure it would be better. as it is, maybe this adds something that wouldn't be there if it were perfectly framed.
